AI Chain Empowering DeAI
Fast-track Specialized AI Solutions with CAN's network-blending high-performance GPUs, open-source and proprietary models into a dynamic marketplace for seamless development, launch, and monetization
Coming  Soon
CAN GPU Cluster
Makes AI development affordable for small companies while maintain superior performance.
CAN Maas
Offers superior AI models for vertical domains.* with One-stop Tooling/SDK PaaS: ZKML, TEE, smart contract SDK etc.
CAN Launchpad
Bootstraps new models with their tokens.
CAN Marketplace
Provides stable income and sustainiable monetization for AI experts and data providers.
Bottom Layer
Robust foundation of GPU clusters ($3M worth of high-performance, machine learning-specific GPUs (H100, A100, L40S) )
Middle Layer
At the core is a substrate-based L1 network, which includes a TEE-backed sidechain ensuring privacy and security, designed for privacy-preserving inferencing and secures cross-chain token custody.
Top Layer
User interface layer hosts AI agents and applications, complete with comprehensive tooling and SDKs for deployment, monitoring, and version control.
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